The Bekins Blog

Launch of Bekins Web site unveils new branding efforts

April 29, 2013 | Bekins News & Events

In a move designed to drive more Internet-based sales leads and provide more information and educational opportunities to customers, the van line has redesigned and redeveloped its Bekins Web site. The Web site has a new look as well as a customer-first user interface.

In addition to launching the new Web site, Bekins also unveiled the new branding image for the company. “This is moving.”, the theme of the entire brand, is an effort to build a more recognizable and consistent image for the van line.

“The new Bekins Web site and rebranding effort allows for a whole new customer experience” said Mark Kirschner, the van line’s CEO. “With more user-friendly content and a more cohesive brand, Bekins is able to educate, assist and provide optimum service to our customers like never before.”

The new Web site also has added features, such as the “in-home estimate” and the “request for estimate,” which enables customers to better interact with the Web site and gain preliminary information about Bekins’ services. Additionally, there are also several moving planning and resource guides to help customers prepare themselves for a move. Links to social media outlets are also present on the homepage so consumers are able to easily access other modes of communication with the company as well.

this is moving

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