The Bekins Blog

Topic: Moving Guides & Tips

Moving Guides & Tips

The night before any big undertaking tends to be restless. This is doubly true if it’s the night before a big move. You’re running over lists in your mind and probably worrying about everything that could go wrong. You can’t help but feel you must be forgetting something. Trying to figure out what that something…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Imagine this scenario: you’re moving across the country. You’ve spent months getting everything organized. You made a budget and successfully followed it. You hired the best moving company to help pack and transport your possessions. You’ve done it all right. Then, the week before your big day, you wake up in the middle of the…

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Moving Guides & Tips

There are a lot of things involved in creating a successful moving plan. There’s everything to pack, budgets to draft, equipment to rent, and contingencies to plan for. Juggling all these different things can be difficult, even for the most organized individuals. Things can fall through the cracks, especially when it comes to packing. The…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Murphy’s Law states that, “If something can go wrong, it will.” Murphy’s Law of Moving states that, “If something unexpected and stressful can happen during your move, it’s going to.” Whether it’s financial, logistical, or otherwise, the unexpected is never good during an already stressful move. If you’re wondering how you can prepare for the…

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