The Bekins Blog

Bekins National Moving Month Tip #11: Donate

May 17, 2013 | Bekins News & Events

11.  Donate unwanted or unused items.

One of the most challenging aspects about moving can be sifting through closets or rooms that are filled to capacity with old items that haven’t been used in years. It’s amazing how much stuff human beings can accumulate over time, and how much of that accumulation ends up in closets, basements, attics, and various other storage places.  Especially for people that like to hold on to memories, getting rid of possessions can be a huge challenge and endeavor.  Even for those who aren’t sentimental item savers, organizing room upon room prior to a move can be a daunting task.

Bekins recommends starting this process early.  The more time you have to focus on organizing your house for a move, the less stressful it will be over time.  A good rule of thumb to obey during this clean-out process is this: Have you used this item within the last few years? Do you anticipate having a need for this item? If you answer no to either or both of these questions, getting rid of this item is probably a good idea.  Try to be as objective as possible.  Bring in a friend or family member if you need help parting with items.

a box full of clothes to be donated.

There are several rewards you could possibly reap after going through this process:

  1. The less your items weigh, the less expensive your total cost for your move.
  2. If you take your clothes, furniture, or other sellable items to a consignment or secondhand shop or have a garage sale, you have the opportunity to make some cash.
  3. If you choose to donate your items to a thrift store such as Goodwill, you will be eligible for a tax deduction.
  4. You’ll be going into your new house with a clean slate and less clutter – you’re already ahead of the game!

Keep your eyes peeled for Bekins’ guide to a successful garage sale.  In the meantime, check out more of our helpful moving tips.

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