The Bekins Blog

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Pantry Before Your Move

February 22, 2019 | Household Moves, Packing Guides & Tips


1.  Take an inventory – Before you can figure out how to efficiently use your food, you have to know what you have. Take an inventory of everything in your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer.

2.  Divide and conquer – Separate and organize your perishables (things in the refrigerator and freezer), canned goods, nonperishables (cereal, snacks, chips, bottled water, etc.) and cooking supplies (flour, sugar, etc.). Discard all your expired food items.

3.  Use all perishable food first – Plan your meals so that you consume all perishable food before your move.

4.  Shop only for what you need – It’s okay to continue to grocery shop, but pick up items in small quantities and only buy what you will use before your move.

5.  Batch cook – Cook meals that are large enough so that you have leftovers to enjoy throughout the week. Having access to meals that are ready-to-eat will help minimize the stress of moving.

6.  Donate nonperishable items– Most communities have local food pantries that help those in need. Donating your nonperishable items can help lighten your load and help your community; that’s a win-win!

7.  Prepare food and beverages for moving day– There will be a lot going on the day of your move, and it is important to stay hydrated and energized. Plan ahead to have portable, ready-to-eat food, such as sandwiches, bananas and apples, and bottled water available to help you get through the day.

If you’re looking for a fulfilling moving experience, call a Bekins agent today. Our skilled and experienced agents are able to help with all of your local and long-distance moving needs.

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