The Bekins Blog

10 Spring Cleaning Tips to do Around the House

April 15, 2020 | Moving Guides & Tips

Whether you’re getting ready to put your house on the market or just want to declutter and organize, spring cleaning is the ultimate tool for reimagining your home. Check out these 10 spring cleaning tips to make cleaning easier and a bit of fun!

  1. Don’t tackle everything at once – break your cleaning projects down into smaller projects. Go room by room or method by method (dust all the rooms first). This will prevent burnout and help you reach an easy pausing point when you do get tired.
  2. Choose your cleaners wisely – some people like Lysol or Febreze, some people prefer to make their own cleaners. Whatever you decide, make sure that you like the scent of whatever it is you’re using, so you don’t risk irritation or using too little.
  3. Declutter before you deep clean – go through each room in your home and determine what is worth keeping, what should be thrown away, and what should be donated or sold. Deep cleaning on top of unwanted items will prevent you from addressing the decluttering process.
  4. Work from top to bottom – dust and debris fall from high places when you clean them. Prevent yourself from doing double the work by keeping this in mind.
  5. Have a reward system – while some people enjoy cleaning, others think of it as a chore. Make yourself a deal, for each day or number of hours that you clean, you get a reward! A tasty dinner, a cold beer, or sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air are all ideas.
  6. Don’t forget the corners! – Some areas of the house are easy to overlook. Inside of the oven, behind the toilet, and doormats are areas that will need special care in a thorough clean if not normally attended to.
  7. Think green while you clean – consider using products and methods that aren’t harmful for the environment. Natural and eco-friendly cleaning products are readily available in many stores.
  8. Sort the pantry – do you have expired food, medications, or other pantry items? Check and dispose of everything properly to make room and less clutter.
  9. Listen to fun music – revisit old high school favorites. If you’re cleaning with another person or the whole family, take turns playing your favorite songs to keep the cleaning process interesting!
  10. Redecorate – after deep-cleaning, rearrange furniture, knick-knacks, and other belongings to give the house a fresh look. Buy some decorative pillows or cut some fresh flowers to give your home a new sparkle.

Follow these spring cleaning tips for a decluttered, fresh-feeling home. Whatever you do, have fun while you do it! Your hard work will certainly pay off.

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