The Bekins Blog

Topic: Moving Guides & Tips

Moving Guides & Tips, Senior Moves

Moving can be tough for anyone. But for older adults, the physical and emotional challenges are often amplified. Recognizing these challenges and understanding the importance of safety precautions can make the transition smoother and safer. Whether you’re a caregiver, a child of an older adult or an older adult yourself, Bekins Van Lines is on…

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Moving Guides & Tips

When you’re getting ready to move, you may discover that there are a few options for professional moving help. Two of the most common options are moving companies and moving brokers. Although they might look alike at a glance, their roles differ in ways that you should be aware of before you make a decision…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Moving comes with its fair share of expenses, and extra costs are the last thing you need. That’s why we want to help ease the burden by offering a few tried-and-true suggestions for minimizing your moving costs.  The bottom line is simple: the more stuff you move, the more it’ll cost. On long distance moves,…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Moving is a big process, especially when you’re moving from city to city. A major move takes more preparation than if you’re just heading to the next street over. Your belongings are traveling further, you may be relocating somewhere unfamiliar to you, and your moving checklist is longer. We help people move thousands of times…

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Household Moves, Moving Guides & Tips

Moving is a significant life event. It’s not just the physical act of moving possessions from one place to another. There’s an emotional journey of detaching from a familiar environment and embracing a new home.  The influence of these changes on our mental well-being is substantial, often taking a toll on our emotional health. Let’s…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Moving companies aren’t all that different, are they? After all, it’s simply a matter of hiring able bodies and a truck to move your items from one place to another – right? Unfortunately, choosing a moving company isn’t quite this simple. Most people only hire movers a few times during their lifetime and aren’t aware…

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