The Bekins Blog

How to Organize Your Closet After a Move

August 26, 2020 | Household Moves

You’ve just moved into your new house or apartment. Maybe you’ve unpacked the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom… and you have one daunting task left: the closet. Moving into a new space is a great time for a fresh start—and an organized closet is a great way to get started. Follow our tips on how to organize your closet after a move.

How to Organize Your Closet After a Move

Set yourself up for success with closet organization necessities

Before you start organizing, here are a few items that will make the process easier:

  • Shopping bags or bins. These will come in handy for bringing clothes to a donation center.
  • Tape measure. If you are purchasing new drawers or shelves, you will need to know the size restraints.
  • Laundry basket. Whether it’s going in your closet or somewhere in your bedroom, it’s important to have a laundry basket where you can place all your dirty clothes.
  • Catch-all bin. There’s a good chance that while you go through your clothes and items after a move, you’ll find some things that don’t belong in your closet but that you don’t want to get rid of. Have a bin or a box nearby to place these items to sort through and organize later.

Get rid of unwanted clothes.

Before you put anything away, go through your belongings and set aside anything you want to get rid of. To make sure you stay organized while you go through your clothes, sort them into three piles: throw away, donate and keep. Not sure what goes in these piles? Follow these rules:

  • Keep anything you wear often.
  • Donate clothes that are still wearable and in good shape, but you haven’t worn in 6 months or more.
  • Throw away clothes that are ripped, stained or in bad shape.

Sort by seasons.

Now that you know you have only the items you want, sort all of your belongings by season. Fall and winter in one pile, spring and summer in the other.

Make a plan.

Before you start putting your clothes in the closet, make a plan for what’s going where. Maybe your “out-of-season” clothes will go in boxes or drawers while your in-season clothes hang front and center.

Once you’ve made it through all the steps above, it’s time to start putting the items in your closet. Starting your time in your new home with a clean, organized closet will feel great!

Bekins offers much more than just helpful tips and tricks! If you’re in need of moving or packing assistance, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch with Bekins today to make your moving experience easy, efficient and stress-free.

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