The Bekins Blog

Bekins’ National Moving Month Tip #6: Floor Plan

May 7, 2013 | Bekins News & Events

6. Once you know the layout of your new home, sketch a floor plan.

Moving and relocation can definitely be a daunting task.  Nothing is really simple when moving – even deciding what furniture to take.

The furniture that fits in your current house might not fit in your new one.  There’s nothing worse than moving several heavy pieces of furniture, only to realize they won’t fit through the front door or in the living room.  That’s why Bekins suggests sketching a floor plan.

As soon as you’ve settled on the house that you’re moving to, make a point to measure the rooms yourself or ask someone else to.  That way, you’ll know the dimensions of your new space and you’ll know whether or not your sectional sofa will actually fit in to your family room.

If this is your first time sketching a floor plan, here are some helpful hints for getting the job done:

  • Measure the baseboards of each room and also keep in mind the doorways, closets, windows, electrical outlets, fireplaces, shelves, and other built-in features and add those to your sketch.
  • Use graph paper to sketch. Regular lined paper or construction paper makes it difficult to sketch the room to scale –and that’s what’s important when making a floor plan.
  • Color code your sketches by room, floor, or size – whatever makes the most sense to you.
  • If you have a large piece of artwork or other wall hanging that you definitely want to display, keep that in mind when sketching and placing your furniture.
  • Keep in mind that cable TV plug-ins, Internet routers, electrical outlets, and light switches can dictate where you place certain pieces of furniture.
  • Indicate the floor covering – carpet, wood, vinyl, tile – this will help you plan for furniture and rugs

Bekins Van Lines has a slew of other moving tips on our blog that we’d love to share with you.  We’d also love to hear from you! Have you made a floor plan prior to moving? Comment and tell us about it or share on our Facebook or Twitter pages.

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