The Bekins Blog

Bekins’ National Moving Month Tip #10: Head to the BMV

May 14, 2013 | Bekins News & Events

10.  Update your driver’s license and license plate.

There is a lot to think about during the moving process, especially once you’ve arrived to your new location.  There are boxes to be unpacked, furniture to be arranged, and schedules to coordinate.  Going to the BMV to change your driver’s license and license plate aren’t often high on people’s lists of things to do, but it’s something important to remember.

The time limit to apply for a new driver’s license and plate varies state-to-state, but a general rule of thumb would be to get in to the BMV within 30 days of your move.  Be sure to check the requirements for both the state you previously lived in and the state that you live in now.  Some states require you to leave your license plate behind while others will refund some of the money you paid when registering your car. This is a great source ofinformation for determining your old and new home state’s requirements.

Look on the bright side of this somewhat hassling task: You’ll get a second chance for a driver’s license picture – and maybe this one won’t look like a mug shot!


a graphic of the United States made out o license plates


Bekins has more moving tips – don’t miss out!

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