The Bekins Blog

Tips to apply prior to your move

February 20, 2014 | Moving Guides & Tips

Okay – there are obviously more than seven things on your to-do list before you relocate. However these seven suggestions are often overlooked yet equally important.

1. Discuss your move with your kids. We have several tips on how to successfully relocate with children.  Bekins offers pro advice on moving with kids.  It s vital that your kids are prepared  for a move. Help them out by sharing tips from our Web site.

2.   If your furry friends are your kids – we’ve got advice for that too. Bekins handles all aspects of relocation with pride and professionalism, even when it comes to your precious pooch. Check out these tips.

3.   Go in with a plan.  If you don’t have a plan, use Bekins Moving Checklist and Timeline provided on our Web site.

4.  Don’t move unnecessary items. Save your time and money by making a point to declutter one room each day for a few weeks prior to your move. Donate or give away household goods that you don’t need.

5.  After you declutter, you should have a better idea of what to pack. But do you know what NOT to pack? Bekins does. Check out our list of what NOT to pack here.

6. Take advantage of  tools such as free school reports, city profiles reports, mortgage calculators, salary calculators and move planners. Not sure where to find this info? Bekins has you covered. Click here for more information. 

7.   Don’t forget to contact your local utilities and other service providers about your move. . While the next homeowner may appreciate the paid services…your wallet will not.

Bekins offers these tips to help for a smooth relocation process.  Apply them prior to the move and let the pros (Hint: that’s us) handle the rest!



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