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Back to School! 5 Ways to Help You and Your Children Ease Back into a Routine

August 30, 2019 | Bekins News & Events

Summer is on its way out and the weather is changing. You know what that means: it’s back to school season! It can be difficult to get back into the swing of things. Here are just a few helpful practices for you and your family to take into consideration. They should help you ease right into your regular school-year routine.

Make Your Home Device-Free After a Certain Time

Many families have a rule – no cell phones, tablets, or computers at the dinner table. How about this instead? No devices after 7pm. The screen glare is often said to keep your brain active, especially before bedtime. Try setting this rule, abide by it yourself (setting an example), and you and your children should a much more restful night’s sleep.

Meal Prep – Not Just for You, But Your Kids Too!

Meal prepping has become such a common practice for adults these days. Why not do this for your kids’ lunches too? Preparing everyone’s meals ahead of time is a great time-saver. Instead if packing their lunches each night, you have that time clear to do as you please. It is also a nice way to ensure everyone is eating the healthy, nutrient-rich food that you prepared instead of grabbing something on-the-go that is not so healthy.

Sign Your Children Up for an After-School Activity

One way to get back on track is to introduce another regular activity in your child’s schedule. What does your child love to do? Sign them up for an after-school art class or little league baseball. It will keep their mind and body busy, and will give you a little bit of free time too. By the time they get home, they will be tuckered out and hopefully have an easier time falling asleep.

Keep Everyone’s School Supplies in One Place: Near the Door

Pre-pack backpacks just as you would do with lunches. The morning can be tough. With a house full of activity every weekday morning, it is easy for forget something important such as a textbook or uniform for hockey after class. Pack the night before so that you have two chances to make sure you and your kids have everything needed: once at night and once in the morning. Place it near the door so it can just be picked up on the way out of the house.

Reward Your Children for Keeping to their Routine

It’s hard to keep everyone moving and ready to go on time, especially with younger children. Reward them when they are prepared before schedule. Give them a dollar and put it in a piggy bank for a future fun activity each time they are on time. Give them two dollars when they are early! It’s a great incentive to keep things moving and your kids will feel good about themselves each time they achieve one of these goals.

Follow these suggestions and you and your children should have a much easier time getting back to school and back in a routine. If you are moving with your family during the school year, this can be an even bigger struggle! We at Bekins, have agents across the country who can help focus on your move, while you focus on the important things – like getting your kids back in class. Call your local Bekins Agent today to get started.

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