The Bekins Blog

6 Ways to Survive Moving Day While Pregnant

October 11, 2019 | Household Moves, Moving Guides & Tips

Moving is tough. It can be even harder if you’re pregnant! If this is baby number one, many young families decide that they need to settle down into their first home, before the baby comes, or get away from the city to a more family-friendly neighborhood. Whatever the situation, it might be difficult for newly pregnant women to take a step back and do less of the hard work. You don’t only have yourself to take care of now, but you have to worry about the health of your baby. Take into consideration these tips if you or your loved one are expecting during moving day.

Gather Your Friends

True friends will always come through to help with a move, especially if you are pregnant! Take advantage of the extra help and don’t be afraid to ask for it too. We all know the doctor’s advice: don’t lift anything too heavy while you are pregnant and don’t overexert yourself. Take that advice and leave the heavy lifting to your friends and family – but don’t forget to bring them pizza as a thank you!

Keep Hydrated

This is one thing that many of us forget to do during the day, pregnant or not. When you get caught up in the action of a move, it is easy to forget to drink water until you are suddenly craving it. Have water bottles on hand before moving day comes so it is in plain sight, reminding you to drink up. Keeping yourself hydrated is even more important for those who are pregnant. If you are still combating the dreaded “morning sickness”, keep ice chips in the freezer, ready to munch on.

Stay Busy with Nursery Ideas

You have to take it easy, so feeling useless is a common internal struggle when you are moving while pregnant. Why not combat that by thinking up nursery ideas for your new home? Take photos of the room you’ve picked ahead of the move, so when everyone else is carrying boxes, you can fill one will with decorative items you want to go in your baby’s room. Go on Pintrest or Google images to ideas you like. Pick out paint colors and make a shopping list. This way, you will be contributing to the move even if it’s not in the traditional way.

Be the Stage Manager

Instead of lifting and carrying heavy furniture and boxes, run the floor. Don’t just let things be set down wherever is easiest. Let your movers/friends know where you want everything placed. You could even start putting up decorations and unpack small items. Delegating tasks like this may even make the move go faster!

Take Breaks

When you are so used to it being just you, you might not be creating enough down time while moving with a bun in the oven. Listen to your body. If you feel even a little bit winded, be sure to take a break. Have a seat and have a snack, if you need it. We often try to rush through a move because it isn’t the most enjoyable experience, but don’t do it! Keeping physically and emotionally stress-free is important for you and the baby.

If You Can’t Move it, Clean it

Plenty of things need a good dusting or wash when moving. Weather it’s the kitchen cabinets or the furniture you’re bringing it, make use of your move time by getting everything sparkling! Of course, you should avoid inhaling any harsh chemicals. If you like, mix your own all-natural cleaning supplies. This way, you will be contributing to the move and you and your family will have less to do when you are all moved in.

With these tips, hopefully your moving experience while pregnant is less of a hassle and more exciting! You are moving into a new home and have a little one on the way. What could be more exciting than that? If you need help on moving day, we can help! We have a variety of resources and service options to fit you needs. Call your local Bekins Agent today to get started.

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