The Bekins Blog

Your Long Distance Moving Checklist

March 16, 2022 | Long Distance Moves

We all know that pulling off long-distance moving isn’t easy, and requires a lot of extra planning and attention to detail to pull off successfully. At the end of the day, what will set your long-distance move up for success is being as prepared as possible, and will let you have a smooth and stress-free moving day and receive your items as soon as possible. 

Long Distance Moving Tips

When pulling off a long-distance move, the first thing you want to get out of the way before anything else is hiring the right movers for the job. Bekins Van Lines and its dependable network of agents are the right long-distance movers for your household items. When you use Bekins’ services for your move, you can rest assured that you’ll receive support and assistance during every aspect of your move. 

So what tips do you need to make your long-distance move a successful one? Let’s discuss how to (and how not to!) have a successful long-distance moving experience. 

Tips for a Successful Long-Distance Move

Having the best long-distance moving resources are key to making sure your move runs smoothly, and for you to experience the least stress possible during the time before and during your relocation. 

  • Decide How You’d Like to Move

If you’re not sure whether you want to tackle your move with professionals or by yourself, figure out what the scale of your move is and how prepared you might be to take on a move by yourself. 

Working with professional movers affords you to have your items completely taken care of from start to finish, and lets you not have to worry about transporting and packing up everything you own – especially your especially large or awkward items. 

After all, no one wants to move a pool table or huge chest of drawers by themselves. Having professional long-distance movers on your side lets you not only not have to lift or transport all of your items by yourself, but also saves you from having to deal with the logistics and stress of moving across the country. 

Though hiring professional movers is more expensive than doing the entire process yourself, the time, stress, and labor you save yourself in the process is more than worth it for those who choose to go with the pros. 

  • Book Your Moving Company Ahead of Time

If you choose to go with a professional long-distance moving company, make sure you’ve left plenty of time to book your movers ahead of time – especially if you’re relocating during the peak of moving season. Booking your movers at least a month, but ideally two to three months ahead of your moving date will let you not only prepare properly, but will ensure that you’ll actually be able to get the moving slot you need. 

Moving companies can get booked out months in advance during peak moving season, and you could lose out on your spot or ideal moving day as a result. Plus, if you wait too long, you could end up not being able to book out your ideal moving company at all. Book early for peace of mind!

  • Differentiate Special Items

If you’re using professional long-distance movers, make sure to mention all of your unique or awkwardly heavy items, like large dressers, pool tables, outdoor furniture, or any unique items. 

This will make sure that you receive the most accurate estimate possible and are given access to the right specialty services if you need them for your items. 

Especially for more heavy-duty equipment, vehicles or particularly fragile items, you’ll want to make sure that your company is aware of these things so they can accurately prepare and treat your things with care. 

  • Use Up or Donate Perishables

Prior to your moving day, make sure to stop buying perishables and use up supplies of any you may have. After all, taking perishables with you during regular moves can be tough, never mind for long-distance relocations. 

For produce, meats, fish, and other perishables, stop buying them prior to your move. Additionally, though it may be tempting, try to cook all of your meals leading up to your move and go through all of the food you can in order to bring the least amount possible with you. 

If you have too many perishables leftover to go through before your relocation comes up, donate whatever you can to local community food pantries or even give it away to your neighbors so it doesn’t go to waste. 

  • Prepare Children & Pets

If you have pets or children, you’re going to need to prepare them in any way you can so they understand to the best of their ability what’s going on with your move, and how to start adjusting. 

Obviously, with pets, your primary focus is going to have to be making sure that they’re kept safe, calm, and out of the way during your move-out day. Have what they need ready to go in your car, and try to leave them with friends or with another room while movers are going in and out of your home. This will let them be as safe and as calm as possible before you can come for them and get them ready to head out. 

To prepare your children for their move, try to sit them down prior and explain why you’re moving and why it’s important for your family that the relocation goes smoothly. Help them get their things ready, and figure out what they want to keep with them while you all head out to your new home. 

  • Declutter & Organize Your Items

After readying yourself mentally and making the arrangements for a successful professional long-distance move, it’s time to start preparing your home, as well. Start going through your things and figure out what you need to get rid of prior to your move. 

There’s no use in bringing things with you that you don’t want, need, or use. Start going through your home room by room to determine what you need and what you want to get rid of. 

Organize the items you don’t want into sections according to whether you want to donate, sell, throw away, or give away each thing, and figure out your course of action. Decluttering and downsizing your things will make your move a lot easier and a lot cheaper – you’ll have fewer things after all! 

That will let you also be able to organize the things you do have much easier and plan your course of action afterward. 

  • Figure Out What You’re Bringing With You

On moving day itself, you’ll obviously need to bring things with you to tide you over until the rest of your items arrive. 

Make sure to pack things like toiletries, any pet supplies you need, clothes, and important documents with you to make sure you have everything you need for the time in between moving day and when your items arrive – especially if you’re in for a lengthy journey!

  • Start the Packing Process

Once you’ve decluttered and organized your items, it’s time to start packing! Of course, the easiest solution to this is to have professional packing services included with your full service moving process. This will let you sit back and relax while your things are labeled and boxed up professionally and safely. 

However, if you’re going to be packing your things yourself, make sure to obtain high-quality, sturdy boxes that will let you move your items safely and securely. Try to look on places like Facebook Marketplace or ask around to family and friends for free packing materials, or obtain boxes or materials from your moving company. 

  • Get Your Utilities in Order

Something a lot of people forget about until the last minute is to transfer or turn off utilities at your old home until after you move. 

Make sure to have your utilities transferred to your home’s new tenant or owner or have things turned off the last day you’re there to avoid being held responsible for the property’s bills. 

  • Get Ready for Moving Day

Now that you’ve got all of these things out of the way, now it’s time to get ready for moving day! Prepare your kids and pets, and have your bags and documents that will stay on your person ready to go and packed up in your car. 

If you’re packing by yourself, have everything packed up and ready to go many days in advance of moving day to make sure things go smoothly, quickly and swiftly when your moving crew comes. Good luck!

Looking for the best possible long-distance moving services? Bekins’ professional long-distance moving services are the best in the industry for a reason. Having the right preparation and the right build-up to your moving day won’t matter if you don’t have the right people on your side! 

On top of our affordable and high-quality moving services, working with Bekins also allows you to have our moving resources on your side to ensure that you’ve set yourself up for success and have the best long-distance move possible – no matter where you’re headed!

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