The Bekins Blog

How to Pack & Prep for a Long Distance Move

June 27, 2024 | Long Distance Moves

No matter what time of year you’re moving, packing and preparing to take on long-distance moving can be an overwhelming process. Even packing for a local move can be a challenging ordeal for people, especially if you don’t have much experience with moving. 

Whether you’re looking into coordinating and performing this entire move by yourself or are looking into a long-distance moving company that could provide you with the right moving experience for your items, knowing how to prepare for a long-distance move is the best thing you can do for your entire process.

So how do you choose the best long-distance movers? How do you come up with the right packing and moving strategy for your upcoming journey? We’ll provide you with the best ways to take on a long-distance move and what you should look for in the right moving company.

Preparing for a Long-Distance Move

So, it’s time to start the planning process for your move. Cultivating the right packing strategy will help keep you on track. Creating a spaced-out and realistic timeline for your packing process will let you take on the process gradually and will save you from the anxiety and stress of last-minute packing.

Creating a moving strategy earlier on will also keep you organized and allow you to hold yourself accountable for how much you’ve gotten done. If you fall behind, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to catch up. You can even make a calendar to keep track of your progress, what your goals are and what you’re working on currently to keep you on track.

When preparing for the packing process, follow the following packing tips:

Make a Moving Timeline

Person using a calendar.

Preparing for a long-distance move can sneak up on you, so the first step is to make a timeline. Lock down your move date and work backwards from there. Six to eight weeks is a good amount to work with, but you can adjust for more or less timing as needed. An example timeline might look something like this:

  • Eight weeks before your move: Gather packing supplies
  • Six weeks before your move: Declutter your house
  • Four weeks before your move: Pack items that you don’t typically use
  • Two weeks before your move: Begin to pack commonly used items
  • One week before your move: Finish packing everything except the essentials
  • A few days before your move: Pack an “open first” box complete with what you’ll need the first day or two in your new place.

Get Moving Supplies

If you’re not sure how to pack for a move or if this is your first move, remember to get moving supplies. In order for preparations for your move to go as smoothly as possible, gather supplies about eight weeks before your move. The last thing you want is to run out of packing supplies at the last minute or not be able to find what you need to prepare for your long-distance move. 

You’ll need packing boxes of different sizes, bubble wrap or other material to keep fragile items safe, packing tape and labels. These materials are available for purchase, often from your moving company. But you can source high-quality boxes or storage totes for very little cost or free from friends, family, local businesses or places like Facebook Marketplace if you give yourself enough time to hunt them down. 

Declutter Your Home

When packing for a relocation, you should only bring the belongings that you actually want and need. Any extra clutter in your home like broken sporting equipment, decor you no longer like or clunky furniture that won’t fit in your new space doesn’t have a place on the moving truck. Before you start packing, declutter your house of all your unwanted items. 

Unwanted items don’t need to go in the trash. You can donate gently used items to a local charity. If you’ve given yourself enough time, you could also sell items of value on Facebook Marketplace or have a garage sale. Decluttering will help your long-distance move go smoother and make it so you have fewer boxes to unpack once you’re in your new home.  

Make a Moving Checklist


Now that you’ve made a timeline, gathered moving supplies and decluttered your home, it’s time to make a moving checklist. There’s a lot to consider when preparing for a long-distance move. In addition to making a list of everything you need to pack, you’ll need to remember to update your address, change your mail delivery, get utilities set up and make a plan for how to transport pets or plants. 

It’s too much information to keep in your head. A moving checklist takes guesswork out of the preparation process and reduces the chance that you’ll forget to do something important. 

Pack for Your Move

Okay. You have what you need to pack, you’ve made a timeline and you have a checklist. The next thing to do is actually pack for your long-distance move. While packing, keep in mind that you should pack responsibly, which means being mindful of which things you pack with what. 

Never pack fragile items in with nonfragile ones, or with things that could potentially damage them. Additionally, you should always label your boxes. This will keep fragile items safe, keep you organized and let your movers pack your truck safely and efficiently.

Other packing tips include:

  • Pack heavy items on the bottom of boxes
  • Fill empty space in boxes with soft items like towels or blankets
  • Don’t put heavy items all in one box. Spread them out so all boxes can be easily loaded and unloaded on the moving van.
  • Reinforce the bottoms of boxes with packing tape to keep items safe and sound
  • Label every box with the room and a list of items inside
  • Pack an essentials box and mark it “open first”
  • Seal each box securely with quality packing tape

Start your packing process off by packing decor and nonessential items, and always pack like with like. From there, move onto things like seasonal items or things that might already be packed up or stored in places like your attic or basement.

If you don’t have much time to pack, or if you’re concerned about packing everything safely, consider investing in professional packing services. Movers will help you pack for your long-distance move so your belongings make it home safe and sound. 

Prioritize Organizing Boxes by Room

Keeping yourself organized is imperative to ensuring that your entire process goes smoothly, and so that your movers can also stay organized while they load and transport your items. Try to pack things up according to room. Unpacking will also be much, much easier when using this process, as will keeping all of your boxes labeled!

Packing with the utmost level of organization will keep your things safe from damage. It will also make it easier to declutter your things and to pack essential items that you’ll want to have with you while waiting for your household items to be delivered.

Don’t Forget to Pack Your Car

Now that your boxes are packed up, it’s time to move! But you’re not done yet. You need to get yourself and your family across the country, too. Packing your car for a long-distance move with the right mix of essentials can help you feel more comfortable during the journey and be more prepared when you arrive at your new home. Pack things like an extra change of clothes, bedding, snacks, essential toiletries, cleaning supplies and a first aid kit with you so you’re ready for anything.

How to Choose a Long-Distance Moving Company

In addition to packing for a cross country move, it’s important that you’ve got the right long-distance moving company on your side for your relocation. After all, having the right movers on your side can make or break your entire relocation, never mind one that spans multiple states and hundreds of miles.

Choosing a long-distance moving company goes beyond the price. Let’s go over our top tips for how to pick movers when you’re moving long distance.

Choose Movers with Cross-Country Moving Experience

When taking on a long-distance move, you should always have professionals on your side to ensure that your things arrive safely and to take some stress off of your shoulders. Cross-country moves are incredibly stressful, and having experienced professionals on your side to coordinate the process can be an immense relief.

However, when choosing long-distance movers you should look for a company that specializes in or has a large amount of experience with long-distance moving. There are many more considerations that go into preparing for a long-distance move compared to a local or residential move. Having movers with this experience will allow you to be confident in your services and will make sure that your items are treated with the utmost care.

Look at Your Professional Moving Company’s Reviews

One of the biggest moving mistakes people make when looking for long-distance movers is not doing enough research. Before you sign any contract, check the third-party reviews of your cross-country moving company. Looking up reviews on sites like the Better Business Bureau, Google Reviews, Yelp, and similar sites can save you from falling victim to a moving scam or just a poorly run company. 

When looking at reviews, never simply go off of the ones on a company’s website either. Though they may be authentic reviews, websites can easily vet or delete unfavorable reviews to portray themselves in the best light. Always research what people have to say about your potential company and their experience with them.

Additionally, if you can’t find any reviews for the company you’re looking into at all – run! This is a huge red flag and can indicate that the moving company is fraudulent.

Shop Around for Quotes

In addition to looking for the best company that has the most positive online reviews, you should also always shop around for the best moving estimates and free quotes. Getting multiple estimates will save you from spending too much money and will let you also get a good idea of what a good price is, and what might be overpriced. It will also help you spot moving scams as they’ll usually be priced suspiciously lower than the market rate or reputable moving companies.

Now You Know the Best Way to Move Long Distance

With the right long-distance moving tips and long-distance packing tips under your belt, you’re ready to take on your relocation! Always be mindful and thorough when it comes to choosing the right long-distance moving company for your needs. Don’t forget to check reviews and shop around for quotes. And create the right packing timeline so you stay organized and can pack up all of your items without getting overwhelmed. Once the moving day comes around, you’ll be good to go!

People shaking hands with a Bekins agent.

Oh, and if you’re looking for the best professional movers look no further than Bekins Van Lines. We’ll give you the best pricing and service for your long-distance move, and will be there for you every step of the way during your cross-country move.

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