The Bekins Blog

Topic: Moving Guides & Tips

Moving Guides & Tips

The moving world has its own lingo and when preparing for a move it is important to understand the terminology.  Below are common words that you may come across in the moving process: Accessorial (additional) services – Services, such as packing, appliance servicing, unpacking or stair carries, that you request to be performed (or are…

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Moving Guides & Tips

With everything else you need to do during a move, it’s all-too-easy to forget about changing your address. Especially when there are so many different places where you’ll have to change it! Utility companies, financial services, government offices, insurance companies, subscriptions, and more places will all need your new address. Then there are your friends…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Okay – there are obviously more than seven things on your to-do list before you relocate. However these seven suggestions are often overlooked yet equally important. 1. Discuss your move with your kids. We have several tips on how to successfully relocate with children.  Bekins offers pro advice on moving with kids.  It s vital…

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Moving Guides & Tips

  As a child, some of my favorite memories are times spent with my great grandmother. Every year, she would plan a week-long visit during the winter While visiting, my family could be sure we would get our fill of home cooked meals and endless stories. My great grandma lived to be 100 years old and…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Although you may not be moving tomorrow, it never hurts to get a head start on planning. Bekins recommends starting the moving process at least four weeks in advance of your desired move date. Plan a move and relocate by following these tips:  A month in advance This is a great time to get organized for…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Baby Boomers never cease to be one of the most intriguing and talked about generations. Things seem to be getting more interesting for the Baby Boomer generation as retirement approaches for many. Use this free infographic for detailed insights on relocation for the Baby Boomers. This infographic sorts through trends of the Baby Boomer generation’s…

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