The Bekins Blog

Topic: Moving Guides & Tips

Household Moves, Moving Guides & Tips

You’re moving to a new home.  Do you need some decorating ideas to help make your new place look like home?  Here are some interior design tips from Interior Design News that might be helpful when you move and start getting settled  They recommend that when you decorate, you should consider your space, keep in mind…

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Moving Guides & Tips

A Bekins customer recently wrote the Cedar Rapids Better Business Bureau to praise Bekins agent Stannard Relocations about the exceptional service they received on the move from Belle Plaine, IA to Colorado and to commend Bekins for their “No Excuse Price” guaranteed price option. This important pricing choice worked in his favor.  Reverend Campbell stated, “…I cannot underline enough the quality of effort,…

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Moving Guides & Tips

Here are some good moving tips to help you get ready for your move.   The more organized you are, the better your move will be.  Thanks to the MovePoint Blog for these great suggestions and reminders.  As always, plan all the details early – it will help your move a little less stressful!  At Bekins, we know that…

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Moving Guides & Tips

You  have closed on your new home and are ready to move in.  What’s the first thing you should do?  Change the locks!  You never know who might have keys to your home.  Give yourself peace of mind and ease your worries. Realtor® Jon Klein of Parkland, FL wrote an eye opening blog about the most forgotten…

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Household Moves, Moving Guides & Tips

2011 seems to be an active year for major weather incidents; hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes – all devastating situations.  Would you know everything that’s in your home in an emergency situation or if you are considering downsizing or moving? Here is a good article from Tim Johnson of on how to be ready in case you need to…

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Moving Guides & Tips

There are so many details you must take care of  before you move.  Don’t forget about your mail.  The U.S. Postal Service has now made it easy to change your address online.  Follow the following link and you’ll get this task accomplished quickly and easily.  

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