The Bekins Blog

Tips on Moving

Moving Guides & Tips

Finding the best moving company for your family’s move can be a tough order, especially if this is your first time moving in a long time, or if you’re looking for the right professional movers for your relocation.  On top of finding a company that can best serve your needs, you also need to find…

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Aboriginal Proverb  Moving can have a large footprint on the environment, so we strive to do it as sustainably as possible. Moving green means doing your best to decrease your carbon footprint – and Bekins wants to help you do your part.  Each year on April 22, the world celebrates Earth Day. Many people use this as…

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Moving Guides & Tips

When you first decide to buy your first home, it’s easy to get carried away with excitement and end up rushing into things or jumping the gun on a house that might not be completely right for you. Hopefully, if you’re house hunting for the first time, you’ve already done some research and put some…

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